The use of plastic has become very common nowadays. If you are considering adopting a healthy lifestyle, then you need to consider plastic first. It contains many chemicals that can be harmful to our health and can enter our body.

The market also sells items in many plastic containers or shoppers. Children also use plastic bottles in schools and colleges. It is used in many kitchen products. If you want to know what harms we may suffer as a result, read this blog.

 What can happen with the use of plastic bottle?

 A study published in Environmental Science and Technology in January found that the plastic weight used in everyday products such as yogurt pots, beverage bottles, food packaging and even kitchen spinach weighs more. Can affect growth.

 Martin Wagner, an associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology who co-authored the study, said: "Our experiments show that common plastic products contain substances that can cause weight gain and obesity."


Chemical transfer

Drinking water in a plastic bottle is nothing but obesity

 Plastics, as I mentioned earlier, contain many chemicals. In another study published in Environmental Science and Technology in August 2021, Dr. Wagner stated that plastic products emit large amounts of chemicals that can enter the body.

Basina and phthalates are the most widely used chemicals in plastic products to disrupt metabolism and have been shown to promote obesity in laboratory animal models.

Increase in diseases

Drinking water in a plastic bottle is nothing but obesity

A March 2017 study found that the use of plastic bottles or plastic products increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and fatty liver disease. The endocrine system is made up of glands. Which produce and release hormones.

They regulate all the biological processes in the body from birth to death. In which the body processes metabolism and sugar levels and stores fat. These chemicals can mimic and interfere with the body's hormones.


Increase in mouse fat cells

If tested, which included yogurt containers, freezer bags, plastic bottles and shampoo bottles. A total of 34 different types of plastic products were involved. Investigators found 55,000 different chemical components in these products and they were able to identify 629 of them.

In these experiments, plastic products were found to be helpful in the growth of fat cells. Researchers have found that substances in plastics regenerate cells that precede them into fat cells that accumulate or multiply excess fat. In addition, chemicals extracted from plastic products have increased mouse flat cells.

Studies show that they can absorb chemicals from foods that store food. Similarly, plastic bottles can contribute to obesity. To reduce your obesity and weight, be careful not to use a plastic bottle.


Increased obesity

Drinking water in a plastic bottle is nothing but obesity

Observations have shown that plastic bottles cause an increase in fat cells. Studies have shown that plastics are unknown chemicals that interfere with the way our bodies store fat. Kahn says unknown chemicals can cause weight gain.


How to be careful.

If you want to promote healthy weight and life, you need to eliminate plastic from your life. And avoid storing things in them. Especially do not use plastic bottles. Also, avoid buying plastic bottles.

All plastic products can cause obesity and many other diseases. If you give your children a plastic bottle or a plastic lunch box, be sure to use it and follow healthy rules.