If you are someone who is trying to lose weight, this article will talk about the causes of weight loss and other factors that might be preventing you from getting to your goal weight.

Weight Loss: Causes- What You Need To Know

If you have ever been on a diet or eating out multiple times a week but never lost weight, you know a lot of people feel like they are just plain miserable and just don’t want to get back on the wagon. According to US News, there are seven major causes for not being able to put weight back on, and some people don’t even realize these causes are contributing factors to their problem. However, if you can figure out what these causes are, then it will be easier to implement strategies to help you stay on track.

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 When we are stressed about things, our bodies are less able to burn fat.

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2) Genetics

 Your genes determine your body type, so as you age, you start losing the fat you have always lost.

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3) Hormones

 Certain hormones are responsible for regulating your metabolism and your appetite. Certain hormones regulate how much weight you put on at different times in your day. For instance, when I am hungry, my brain releases endorphins which suppress hunger, I can eat more, and when I am full or sleepy they release dopamine which motivates me to stop.

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4) Dieting

 Not giving up on food is a good thing! We all eat too much, sometimes we are completely unable to control it, our minds are constantly racing, and we just give up sometimes and have to deal with stress which leads us to overeat and binge. It’s hard for us to keep going, especially because we think we need to lose weight fast.

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5) Lack Of Sleep

 Many of us are very busy working long hours, and sometimes we are taking care of our families, homeschooling, having kids, etc., which makes it difficult to sleep. This leads us to consume less protein, lots of sugar, and carbohydrates. Studies show that women who work 12 hours per day have more trouble sleeping than those who do 8 hours. This means that more than half of us have sleep issues that are making us gain weight faster than we would like to. The way to solve the issue is to get plenty of sleep.

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6) Work

 We hate it when we work but we love it when we have free time. Working more doesn’t help, but working less can make a world of difference in our health and emotional well being which can lead to a better overall appearance and less stress. More time on your hands improves self-confidence and helps you figure out what makes you happy. Plus most people don’t use the money they save doing work wisely to buy themselves something nice to wear. So, what’s a person supposed to do? Stay positive. Make the effort. Figure out when you will be able to stop working and when you will start when you should start. Find something to read, watch your favorite tv show or play video games you love, go to the movies, find a friend or partner to hang out with. Have fun and get some exercise! Losing weight could be tough, especially when we have to focus on getting healthy or maintaining a healthier lifestyle to cope. Don’t worry, with tools like the Amazon reviews listed above, you can turn to your trusted websites to learn about the best health products that you feel confident using.

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7) Family Life

  A lot of family members are concerned about your weight and what shape you are in at the moment. For example, if you have a brother or sister that weighs 200lbs, you automatically become thinking he/she is overweight and therefore his/her whole family isn’t too impressed with your looks if they were to see they will look down on you. They don’t want you to be in a box size of 170 lbs and still manage to maintain a normal life. Also if you have a mother or father that has a big influence on the size of your body, they are likely to be upset that your body image is poor. Although this is mainly true, if one of your parents was a huge impact on your body then you are looking at the weight loss solution that best fits your needs.

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8) Physical Activity

  As we look at exercise we make assumptions about why and how often should we do it. Most people say we should work out four days a week, however, studies found that actually, 60 minutes is enough to burn fat, a significant amount. Do your best to find an activity you enjoy that can fit easily into your morning routine. Going to the gym can help with both physical and mental health. Losing weight might be challenging, but try to find a sport that you enjoy with your family as they might encourage you to stay active and healthy.

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9) Alcohol Abuse

 Alcohol abuse can cause heart disease, lung cancer, liver conditions, depression, memory problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, and various. Alcohol abuse has been linked to weight loss and an increase in food cravings. With more people drinking alcohol, many become unaware of the effects that it can have on their health. Alcoholism is not a good habit to be having if you are trying to lose weight.
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10) Genetic Factors 

 Your genes dictate how you look. Your ancestors had a rough time living. Without genetics is an important factor, there simply wouldn’t be anything left to blame yourself for or blame others for. The reality is that over 70% of Americans have two or three types of the same gene, which means that you could have been born with the condition of having low insulin, low serotonin, and the rare blood types or either of each. Having only one of these diseases could cause obesity and diabetes which will prevent you from gaining weight quickly. While everyone is genetic material, that does not mean that we have any responsibility for our weight loss. Just because you want to become thinner, there is nothing wrong with shedding a few extra pounds every year. Let your body tell you what it wants when you shed those cravings!